Spring Fungi Fortnight

Spring Fungi Fortnight 2021

Fungi aren't just for Autumn!

During two weeks of lockdown in March 2021, SxFG members were encouraged to record some of the species that can easily go unnoticed in Spring.

Members were encouraged to record their observations via either irecord or FRDBI between March 15th - 28th. Collections were discussed and verified via our 'groups.io' email group.

Several collections were successfully PCR-tested. DNA sequences were released to the group for discussion and analysis.

A total of four new British species were recorded and an anamorph-teleomorph connection previously unknown to science was discovered.

Below is an image library of species we recorded. along with a species list and map of sites surveyed towards the bottom of the page. By clicking on the photos you can see other images including microscopy.

A map of sites in Sussex surveyed for the project

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